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No Blue Cow...No Thank You!

Dairy Farmers of Canada Dish up the Truth on Frozen Desserts

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]Dairy Farmers of Canada have released a new campaign to urge consumers to look for closer when purchasing frozen desserts to ensure that they are made with real Canadian ice cream. This campaign serves as a warning to consumers to be aware that not all frozen desserts are made with real ice cream. A spokesperson from the DFC Solange Heiss says that explains that some frozen desserts are made with vegetable oils that are often imported from other countries.

“‘Frozen desserts’ are masquerading as ice cream, fooling unsuspecting customers every day,” says Solange Heiss, the DFC’s assistant director of Marketing and Nutrition Communications.

Sometimes the labels on frozen desserts can be deceiving, but one way to ensure that you are getting the real thing is to look for the little blue cow that features the 100% Canadian Milk symbol which represents the seal of origin. This helps build the Canadian milk brand, and sheds light on the importance of checking food labels. Not only will you be able to enjoy the taste of real ice cream, but you will also be supporting local dairy farmers and the economy. So next time you are in the grocery store, make sure to look twice before purchasing a dairy treat!

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