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Nuhn’s latest Self-Propelled Alley Vac

Nuhn’s latest Self-Propelled Alley Vac

Efficiency, durability and reliability are the focus for this self-propelled manure equipment

Ryan Ridley is always in search of new products and innovations for farmers. In 2020, we caught up with Dennis Nuhn, President of Nuhn Industries, who showcased the company’s latest self-propelled alley vac.

Nuhn Industries is an international manufacturer of liquid manure handing equipment with a portfolio of liquid manure spreaders, liquid manure pumps, slurry tankers, liquid manure agitators and more.

“Our factory is just west of Stratford, Ontario, and we manufacture and specialize in liquid manure equipment,” explained Nuhn. “We sell globally – in Russia, China – with the U.S. being one of our big suppliers.”

From its blade that floats on three axis of movement, enabling it to follow the contours of uneven ground, to its center mounted cab with floor-to-roof windows and its Dual Magnum 400 vacuum pumps, Nuhn’s latest self-propelled alley vac was made to be more efficient, durable and reliable for the farmer.

“Everybody’s trying to get faster, better and smarter. All Nuhn products are designed to be very high performing and reliable,” added Nuhn.

Standard in the cab is a touch screen system that displays engine feedback, hydraulic display, as well as controls for air suspension and heat and A/C. The Self-Propelled Alley Vac also has a full-length auger that removes solid build-up and a blade that automatically tilts forward and back, rotates longitudinally and up-and-down.

“We’ve had it in the field on selective farms for over a year and the results have been really satisfying. The people that are using it love it, so we expect it to be one of our biggest volume products from here on in,” said Nuhn.

It’s 4-wheel steer paired with a very short wheelbase also enables a tight turning radius for the operator.




- 3500-gallon capacity
- 24’ 3” long by 11’ 2” high by 8’ 6” wide
- 8.5’-15’ scraping width
- 275 HP 7.1L CAT engine
- 2-speed hydrostat motor transmission
- 12” rear valve discharge
- Centre mount cab
- Conventional or electric 4-wheel steer

To learn more and see Nuhn’s Self-Propelled Alley Vac in action, visit:


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