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Only 10 Registration Spots Remain for Precision Agriculture Conference!

Innovative Precision Agriculture Conference, being held February 26 & 27th

By Denise Faguy,

Only 10 Registrations Spots Remain for Precision Agriculture Conference which is being held February 26 and 27th, 2014. “If you haven’t already registered for the conference, today may be the last day that you are able to,” says Executive Vice President Joe Dales.  “Unfortunately, there is a maximum number of registrations that we can accept, and we have reached that number much earlier than we anticipated.” 

“Clearly farmers are hungry for more information about Precision Agriculture and eager to explore the opportunities it presents,” continues Dales. More than 200 people will attend the Precision Agriculture Conference which is being held at the Best Western Lamplighter Inn and Conference Centre, in London, Ontario. 

The Precision Agriculture Conference will lead off with a Presentation entitled “What is the Potential of Precision Agriculture?” which will include the following presentations:

  • The Vision & Potential of Precision Agriculture; Is Precision Agriculture all about the Data?
  • How to Efficiently Connect Farm Machinery to Become Precision Ag Enabled
  • How Variable Rate Fertility and Populations Can Increase Maximum Economic Yields
  • The Power of Crop Scouting from Above with UAVs
  • What Can We See?  Watching Crops from Space

Presentations also include “Farm Machinery Update on Precision Agriculture Technology” and “Precision Agriculture Players:  Agronomy and Software Services”. 

The closing presentation will be “Where are We Now & How Do We Make Precision Ag Work?” which will include:

  • Profit Maps - Field Success
  • Going Beyond Driving Straight   
  • Field Successes, Partnerships Between Agronomy & hardware

Breakout sessions will include expert briefings on systems such as AGCO, John Deere, Case IH and Precision Planting, the detailed list of Breakout Sessions include:

  • Innovative New Technology for Soil Data
  • Variable Rate Nitrogen Application: 2013 Field Experience
  • What is new from Precision Planting
  • Operating UAVs in Ontario this spring 2014, What we learned using a UAV
  • Images & Experience from 2013 UAV Flights
  • How to Use a UAV to Increase Yields
  • Agriculture Canada’s Operational Satellite Space Based Crop Monitoring Imagery and Uses
  • R7 Tool - A Comprehensive Precision Farming Solution
  • Field Scripts - Prescriptive Planting Tool. 2013 Results With Variable Rate Corn Planting in the US
  • John Deere - Agricultural Management Systems
  • CASE-IH - Advance Farming Systems
  • AGCO - FUSE Technologies for Precision Ag 
  • Thompson's - 2012-2013 Field Success

The Conference includes a tradeshow with more than 20 Table Top displays and is designed for agri-businesses, farm retailers and farmers interested in how precision agriculture will increase the productivity of crop farming.


Register for the Precision Agriculture Conference

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