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Ont. producers thankful this season

Ont. producers thankful this season

Farmers highlight good health and good weather

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Canadians will spend time with family and friends during Thanksgiving celebrations.

Before carving into a turkey or ham (or both!) with several delicious sides, many will take a moment to reflect on the year.

With that at top of mind, reached out to members of Ontario’s ag community to learn what they are thankful for this year.

Many appreciate the weather they had this year, said Doug Wilson, a soybean producer from Hamilton-Wentworth.

“I’m definitely thankful for the weather we’ve had during the growing season,” he told “It really helped establish a good crop. It would be great now if we could get a few dry and sunny days.”

“We had great weather, which is always important for a farmer,” said Cindy Verkuyl, a pork producer from Oxford County.

Producers are also thankful for their crops and the health of their animals.

“Our crops look good and I think we’ll have a good yield, so I’m thankful for that,” said Ian Sutherland, a cash crop and hog producer from Oxford County. “Our pigs are also healthy and happy.”

Beyond the farm, producers are thankful for their communities.

“I’m definitely thankful for my friends, family and neighbours,” Verkuyl said. “I’m also thankful that I get to live in Canada.”

Wilson agrees.

“I’m lucky to have the friends and neighbours that I do,” he said. “There’s the old saying of not being able to choose your neighbours, so I’m thankful for mine.”

Producers also appreciate their peers, who helped provide families with this weekend’s enjoyable meals.

“Tables will be full of food and we’ll have lots to eat,” said Gerald Lamb, a cash crop and beef producer from Huron County. “We should thank the farmers who raised the turkeys and vegetables that end up on our tables.”

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at!

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