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Ontario 2012 Soybean Crop Facing Disease Battle

Diseases Thriving in Ontario Soybean Crop Due to Drought Conditions

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 The 2012 Ontario soybean crop is being plagued with a variety of diseases due to the combination of hot and dry weather conditions.  According to Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Pathologist Albert Tenuta, the diseases that are most prevalent in this year’s crop are stem canker fusarium wilt and charcoal rot.

These diseases should be a cause for concern as they put a significant amount of stress on soybeans, allowing the crop to be more susceptible to other soil based pathogens. The ministry is encouraging farmers to scout their fields on a regular basis to catch diseases at their early stages and re-examine best management practices to mitigate the damage. Sometimes the damages are irreversible and all farmers can do is start planning for next year, selecting resistant varieties for the following planting year.

The ministry also reminds growers that regular crop rotation will be vital in order to help combat soybean infested residue from remaining in the soils surface. Utilizing a combination of good management practices including crop rotation and spraying fungicide are important tools that should be utilized.  


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NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

Video: NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

John Deere has announced new offerings for its planter upgrade kits in 2026.

MaxEmerge 5e is ideal for 5 mph planting and provides a 20% improvement in population accuracy. This solution is available for model year 2015 and newer John Deere planters.

ExactEmerge is a high-speed planting solution equipped with brush belt technology that does a great job singulating corn, soybeans and cotton and directly placing that seed right in the trench.

Kyle Barry with John Deere gives you a full overview in this video!