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Ontario Cattlemen’s Will Soon be known as Beef Farmers of Ontario

Out with the old and in with the new: OCA Votes in Favor of Name Change

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The second time around does the trick, as the Ontario Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) votes in favour of changing its name to Beef Farmers of Ontario – which was the second vote on the controversial name change in five years.

The vote passed with two-thirds of support and was put forward at this year’s annual general meeting held in Toronto.

The rebranding will come into effect next year when the organization will formally be known as Beef Farmers of Ontario. The name change will now align the organization with other livestock organizations like the Dairy Framers of Ontario.

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Edison Maghales shared his research results from testing truck wash methods, PEDV viral load, and the transfer rate of the virus to the farm. Pete Thomas presented data from Iowa Select’s recent change in market haul sanitation. Since washing and disinfecting all market trailers, they’ve seen a significant decrease in PEDV break rates, mortality, and production efficiency.