What does the future hold for the agri-food industry in Ontario?
According to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs the Agri-Food industry is a $4.3 billion driver of the Ontario economy. Food habits and consumer expectations are changing rapidly. Is the industry, and subsequently the government, adapting quickly enough to these changes?
Hear what The Honorable Minister of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, Mr. Jeff Leal’s thoughts are on these complex issues at the first in a series of forums on the Future of Food and Farming ~ 2041 Changes and Choices at the Country Heritage Park being held in Milton on October 6.

"Now is the time for society at large to recognize the importance of food and farming and the issues, challenges and opportunities farmers and food suppliers of tomorrow will face. For example, who will the farmers be - for every one farmer under 35 in Canada there are 8 over 65. To be reliant on countries most could not find on a map, is simply wrong. Having no idea what the next 25 years has in store, dictates our need to be prepared and vigilant if we expect to feed the world's ever-growing population," states Jamie Reaume, CEO of Country Heritage Park.
In addition to industry experts discussing the latest food trends, forum attendees will also have the opportunity to hear what the people who grow and make our food, think about these trends and their impact on the food industry in Ontario. People like Doug Alexander from the Ippolito Group, which grows, packs, value add processing and ships food. Attendees will also get a chance to hear from 7th-generation Ontario Farmer Ryan Marshall
Expert Speakers include
- Paul Uys, Senior Director, External, The Food Institute of the University of Guelph
- Barry Watson, President of Environics Research
- Dr. Evan Fraser, University of Guelph
- The Hon. David Crombie, P.C., O.C.; Former President & CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute, Former Mayor of Toronto
- Danielle Gould, Founder and CEO of Food+Tech Connect
- Mike Lee, Founder and CEO of Studio Industries
To register for this event, visit http://www.countryheritagepark.com/whats-happening/future-of-food-and-farming-forum/.
Farms.com is proud to be a sponsor of this event.