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PED Virus Cases Grow

U.S. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Cases Rise

By Amanda Brodhagen,

A new report issued by the National Pork Board says there were more than 330 confirmed cases of the pig virus – porcine epidemic diarrhea, spanning15 U.S. states, with the highest concentrations in Iowa and Oklahoma. This was last updated July 8. The first PED virus case was detected in May.

The virus isn’t new and has been discovered in many other countries, especially in China, South Korea, Japan and along with several European countries. It is classified as a production-related virus and is not considered a trade-restricting disease.

Hog producers should be vigilant if they see signs of illness in their pigs and notify their herd veterinarian imminently. Laboratory testing is the only way to determine if PED virus is present. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Swine Veterinarians, and the National Pork Board have been closely monitoring the disease and advising producers on ways to prevent the disease from spreading.

More information about PED and disease updates can be found on the American Association of Swine Veterinarians website.

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