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Pork industry showcases innovation at World Pork Expo

NPPC event focuses on technology, policy, and youth engagement


The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) hosted a successful World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, attracting a global audience interested in the future of pork production.

Over 12,000 attendees participated in the two-day event, which featured a trade show with cutting-edge technologies and solutions for producers.

A key highlight was the NPPC policy panel discussion. Industry leaders addressed critical issues such as the Farm Bill, regulations impacting production, and international trade.

Biosecurity and foreign animal disease prevention were also on the agenda, emphasizing the industry's commitment to responsible practices.

The Expo wasn't just about the present; it also looked towards the future. The NPPC launched a competition for young people, fostering their interest in pork advocacy.

Participants discussed industry challenges and proposed solutions, demonstrating the importance of engaging the next generation.

The World Pork Expo serves as a testament to the dynamism of the pork industry. By showcasing innovation, discussing policy, and engaging young minds, the event paves the way for a thriving future for pork production in the United States and globally.

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