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Pork Rinds to the Rescue - Rudolph Foods' Charitable Move

Pork Rinds to the Rescue - Rudolph Foods' Charitable Move
Oct 16, 2024
By Jean-Paul McDonald
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Supporting Hurricane Victims with Snack Donations

Hurricane Helene recently unleashed havoc across the eastern United States, including strong winds and heavy rain that particularly affected the Midwest.  

This severe weather led to the unfortunate cancellation of the annual Kroger Wellness Festival in Cincinnati, an event where Rudolph Foods was set to participate.

Faced with unexpected circumstances, Rudolph Foods shifted their focus from disappointment to philanthropy.

They donated all 11,500 vend-sized bags of Southern Recipe Small Batch pork rinds, originally prepared for the festival, to Matthew 25: Ministries for hurricane relief efforts.

This substantial contribution is part of a broader community response to help those affected by Hurricane Helene. Pork rinds, a favorite snack among many, will provide a sense of normalcy and comfort to families and individuals facing the challenge of recovery.

“It’s our hope that we can help take care of those in need by providing comfort and non-perishable snacks to victims of Hurricane Helene,” says Mark Singleton, VP of Sales and Marketing at Rudolph Foods. “When it’s crunch time, Southern Recipe answers the call to help those in need.”

The initiative by Rudolph Foods not only demonstrates corporate responsibility but also the spirit of giving back to the community in times of need. 

Through this donation, Rudolph Foods has helped ensure that the relief efforts are better equipped to assist the hurricane victims.

Matthew 25: Ministries, known for their effective disaster response operations, will handle the distribution of the donated snacks.

Their experience and infrastructure are crucial in ensuring that the help reaches those who need it most, efficiently and swiftly.

This act of kindness from Rudolph Foods highlights how companies can transform challenges into chances to aid those in distress, reinforcing the importance of solidarity in crisis recovery efforts.

Additional Information: To learn more about Rudolph Foods at:

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