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Prices surge in 2024 summer cookout survey

Farm bureau survey - Sharp rise in cookout meal costs


The annual Summer Cookout Cost Survey by the American Farm Bureau Federation has revealed a sharp increase in the cost of a typical summer meal, now averaging $71.22 for ten people. 

This record-setting figure represents a 5% increase from last year and a 30% rise from five years ago, underscoring a significant trend in rising food prices.

Data collected nationally from volunteer shoppers highlights that nearly all cookout items have seen price increases, notably ground beef and lemonade. 

On a positive note, prices for chicken breasts and potato salad ingredients have seen decreases due to a decline in avian influenza impacts and somewhat stable egg prices.

The escalating costs are causing widespread concern among consumers, who are increasingly faced with difficult financial decisions regarding their dietary choices.

Despite these rising costs, it is important to consider that the proportion of income Americans spend on food remains relatively low globally, offering a broader perspective on domestic food affordability challenges.

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