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Hog Inventory on US Farms Shows Slight Increase

US farms see 1% increase in hog and pig populations


The United States has observed a slight increase in its hog and pig populations, according to the latest Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  

As of June 1, the total number of hogs and pigs was recorded at 74.5 million, marking a 1% rise from June 2023, and showing a slight increase from the previous quarter on March 1, 2024. 

The breakdown of these figures reveals that most of the hogs, about 68.5 million, are designated as market hogs, while about 6.01 million are kept for breeding purposes.  

This distinction is crucial as it highlights the robustness of the U.S. market for pork and its by-products, providing insight into future market supplies. 

During the three months from March to May 2024, U.S. farms weaned approximately 34.0 million pigs, representing a 2% increase compared to the same period the previous year.  

Moreover, the average pigs per litter reached 11.56, indicating improved productivity in pig farming practices. 

Looking ahead, U.S. hog producers are planning for continued productivity with expectations to have 2.96 million sows farrow between June and August 2024, and another 2.94 million between September and November 2024. These figures suggest a stable production outlook for the near future. 

Regionally, Iowa remains the leader in hog production, housing 24.6 million heads. It is followed by Minnesota with 9.20 million and North Carolina with 7.60 million.  

This geographic distribution underscores the importance of these states in meeting the nation’s demand for pork. 

The accuracy of this data is ensured by comprehensive surveys conducted by NASS, which involved 4,524 operators across the country.  

Methods of data collection included online submissions, mail, telephone, and face-to-face interviews, ensuring a wide range of input for robust results. 

This report not only provides valuable insights into the current state of the U.S. swine industry but also helps stakeholders make informed decisions regarding production and market strategies.  

It reflects a growing industry that is vital to the U.S. agricultural sector and highlights the ongoing efforts to enhance productivity and market readiness in the face of global and domestic challenges. 

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