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Rest your feet and feed your brain at Farm Progress Forum

Rest your feet and feed your brain at Farm Progress Forum

Planning your visit to Canada’s Farm Progress Show?  Be sure to schedule time for presentations at the Farm Progress Forum presented by Farm Credit Canada located at FCC Crossing in Hall 5.  The Forum includes speaker session that range from practical tips for farming and enhancing your bottom line to planning your backyard oasis.  There is no extra cost to attend these presentations, they are included in the price of your show ticket.

 “Canada’s Farm Progress Show is a perfect way for FCC to connect producers with knowledge that will set them up for success. This year’s FCC Farm Progress Forum speakers are a dynamic group of experts who will inform, inspire and entertain a broad audience. There are industry related topics like tile drainage, personal wellness talks around managing stress and enhancing mental health and even cooking with a celebrity chef using Saskatchewan based products. Come see us, I know you’ll find it valuable.” states Sue Exner, Regional Marketing Manager, FCC.

Not only will you feed your brain with new ideas for your farm, these sessions will also give your tired feet a break from pounding the show floor.

On Wednesday, June 20th Innovation Day there are 5 presentations to choose from:

  • “Drones in Ag: Cutting through the hype to focus on practical applications” with Kelsey Martin from the Martin Sensing Corporation.  Martin says drones used to just be cool technology, but now they are earning respect as a great return on investment because of the data they can provide you about your farm, and how it will help you make better business decisions.
  • “Dollars and Sense of Responsible Land and Water Management” with Myles Thorpe of the Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Association.  Thorpe will provide practical tips on managing your farm’s natural resources so that they work for you now and for future generations as well.
  • “AgTech 101 for 2021” with Marty Seymore from Industry and Stakeholder Relations at FCC.   Seymore’s presentation will review what you need to consider preparing your farm for technology in the future, everything from robotics to 3D printing to genomics. 
  • “7 Deadly(ish) Sins of Great Marketing” with Brian Voth from Intellifarm.  Voth will share tips on managing commodity sales and managing risk on the farm – regardless of whether it is a bull or bear market. 
  • “Farm Corporations:  The Whole Story” with Lance Stockbrugger.  Stockbrugger will provide information on incorporating your farm, and how it can reduce your tax bill.


On Thursday, June 21st Young Farmers’ Day, there are three presentations to choose from:

  • If we huff and puff, will we blow your house down?” with Family Business Consultant Jolene Brown.  Brown will give you some tips for ensuring the foundations of your family business are sound.  
  • Diamonds or dust:  how to shine under pressure while others fall apart” with Dr. Georges Sabongui.  Sabongui will teach attendees the tricks of making stress their new best friend. 
  • “Sick, not weak: depression, sports and me” with former TSN Off the Record host Michael Landsberg. Landsberg will take you on the life journey he has experienced from sportscaster to advocate for mental health – an important topic within the agriculture community.


On Friday, June 22nd Women in Ag Day, there are three presentations to choose from:

  • “Turn up the volume:  how farmers can rebuild consumer trust in food” with farm speaker and Agvocate Charilyn Jolly-Nagel. Jolly-Nagel encourages all farmers to share their farm story with consumers who are often disconnected with food and farming.
  • “In good taste: a culinary adventure” with Anna Olson, host of Bake with Anna Olson.  Olsen will talk about her philosophy of treating food, ingredients and people with respect. 
  • “Planning and building your outdoor oasis” with Carpenter Kate Campbell.  After a hard day of work on the farm it is important to have an oasis to retreat to.  Campbell will give you some tips on what to include in your oasis. 


Exner concludes, “At FCC we love to see the ag community succeed. We are looking forward to connecting producers with some incredible speakers at this year’s Canada’s Farm Progress Show. Each day’s speakers are focused on either industry, mental health or women in ag. Whether you’re learning the secret to managing stress or spending some time cooking with a celebrity chef using Saskatchewan based products, I know you’ll enjoy it.”

For times and more details, visit

For more information about Canada’s Farm Progress Show:

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