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Ryan Gosling Praises Canadian Pig Code Draft

Ryan Gosling Praises Canadian Pig Code Draft

By Amanda Brodhagen,

It appears as though celebrity actor Ryan Gosling is acting as a mouth piece for the Humane Society - throwing support behind the new Canadian Pig Code of Practice draft.

Gosling said the following about the pig code:

"Within this draft code is a mandate that the pork industry stop relegating, for nearly their entire lives, mother pigs to tiny cages so small they can’t even turn around. I hope it will close this dangerous loophole by disallowing the pork industry from confining pigs for weeks at a time – something that I would never dream of doing to [my dog] George, and that no compassionate Canadian would ever do to any animal.

The bond I have with George is not unique. Like me, countless Canadians share their homes and lives with pets they consider to be part of the family. We know that they have individual personalities and quirks (George loves apples, for example) and that they feel both physical and mental pain."

Knowledge of Gosling’s endorsement of the new pig code was recently reported in Perez Hilton celebrity gossip blog, which touted “Ryan Gosling Fights for Pig Rights”. What does an animal activist celebrity star backing for the new pig code mean for Canada’s 12,000 hog producers? If you are a Canadian pig farmer, share your thoughts – the public comment period for the new code ends Aug. 3rd.

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