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Salute to Farmers contest begins in August

Salute to Farmers contest begins in August

One family will attend the Grey Cup and be recognized during the game

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

The Canadian Football League (CFL) and BASF are partnering on a new contest to recognize farmers and celebrate on farming family in a uniquely Canadian way.

CFL fans and BASF customers can participate in the InVigor Salute to Farmers contest once it launches in August.

“At the heart of Canadian agriculture are the same values that we champion at the league – hard work, determination and service to the community,” Tyler Mazereeuw, chief revenue and marketing officer at the CFL, said in a statement. Farmlands and football fields are rooted in the same love for this country and the people who call it home.”

To kick off the contest, the Grey Cup is on display at BASF’s booth at Ag in Motion.

Details are limited at this point, but the contest calls for Canadians to share stories of farmers, their families and how they’ve affected their local community.

Salute to Farmers will run through the 2022 regular season and the playoffs, with one family winning a trip to the 109th Grey Cup in Saskatchewan where they’ll be honoured during the game.

The contest coincides with the 25th anniversary of BASF’s InVigor hybrid canola.

The company launched its first three hybrids in 1997 – InVigor 2153, 2163 and 2273.

At the time, Canadian farmers planted about 10 million acres of canola annually.

In 2021, producers seeded 23 million acres of canola, and the crop is linked to more than 200,000 jobs.

“Canadian farmers are the reason for the success of InVigor hybrid canola,” Brent Collins, head of seeds & traits, Canada, said in a statement. ““Together we’ve grown over the past 25 years and during this anniversary milestone, we want to take a moment to say thank you and recognize all that Canadian farmers do to help build their communities and the agriculture industry in Canada.” will bring contest details to readers once they become available.

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