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“Save Our Bacon” Campaign Sounds Alarm over Potential Bacon Shortage

National Pig Association (NPA) Predicts Pork and Bacon Shortage

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The National Pig Association (NPA) has come out with a new prediction, saying that consumers should expect a worldwide shortage of bacon and pork products come 2014. The NPA is a British farm trade organization that represents the interests of pig producers in the United Kingdom.

The association says that Europe’s pork products supply, namely bacon, will face what they are calling an unavoidable situation which is largely driven by recent financial hardships faced by the industry. Being plagued with drought and rising feed prices has forced hog producers to shrink their herds or simply get out of the business.

The NPA has launched a nationwide campaign for what they are calling “Save Our Bacon” with the goal of making consumers aware of the dire situation and to encourage them to buy British bacon products. The trade group is calling on supermarkets to pay pig farmers a fair price for pork to help them cover the drought-related losses. The campaign has gained momentum, especially among some British MP’s who signed a pledge of support for the campaign. More information about the campaign can be found at

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