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Speaking with IN10T

Speaking with IN10T

Pat Comte of IN10T discusses how his company allows Canadian farmers to move forward with ag tech adoption.

By Andrew Joseph,

IN10T is an independent, farmer-centric, data-driven company focused on partnering with farmers to test and adopt emerging precision ag innovations.

Speaking at the 2021 virtual Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase held November 16-18, Pat Comte, Vice President, Canada, IN10T discussed how his company helps farmers consider early adoption of agricultural innovations and how it works directly with them to unlock on-farm experiences.

One of the truths about new technologies, is that you need people to try and like them for the manufacturing company to achieve a modicum of success. Within the ag market, Comte said that there are hundreds of new techs debuting within the agricultural sector every year—but farmers generally only try out about 1.5 of them.

That’s a lot of wasted opportunity for farmers where they could instead gain a technological advantage that can increase yield but also finances.

This is where IN10T comes to the party, helping farmers become more involved in early technology adoption but also to help tech companies gain valuable insights into how their product inventory performs in real-world ag situations.

Founded in 2016, IN10T developed INvision four years later as a customizable solution capable of delivering timed data insights across all aspects of product performance in a single web-based interface.

To tackle the new-tech shyness, IN10T directly involves over 1,500 farmers—and looking for more in Canada—with select business partners to test technologies to gather feedback from product trials.

Along with Canada, IN10T works from locations all over the US in over 30 states, and South America, specifically Brazil and Argentina. Canadian trials only began this past year (2021).

To learn how IN10T can work alongside you and get your more involved in the high tech world of precision agriculture, see the video below:

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Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

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An interesting feature of the new system is that agronomists can remotely send prescriptions to farmers.

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