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Tehkummah, Ont. farm family wins BMO award

Tehkummah, Ont. farm family wins BMO award

The McNaughtons were named a BMO Ontario Farm Family

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

An Algoma County, Ont. farm family is one of a select few that will be honoured next month.

The McNaughton family are among the recipients of the BMO Ontario Farm Family Award. They will officially receive it during the International Plowing Match & Rural Expo in Chatham-Kent in September.

Ten other Ontario farm families will also receive the award.

The prize recognizes dedication to Ontario’s ag sector and rural way of life. Winning the award this year is extra special for the family, as they were nominated last year but were not among the winners.

“It’s very much a huge honour for us,” John McNaughton told today. “We didn’t even know we were nominated last year, so to get nominated again and win this time is very special.”

In addition to raising cattle, John’s wife Christine, who did not come from a farm background, documents the family’s daily life in her blog. Their daughter, Robyn Ashley, is also involved on the farm.

The award symbolizes perseverance, McNaughton says.

Farming can be a challenging way to make a living and raise a family, and the award serves as a reminder that of the McNaughton family’s determination.

“We’ve all had our struggles and we’ve had a few tougher years lately,” he said.

But those challenges are also what makes farming so rewarding, he added.

“I’ve done some other jobs in the past and they always seem to get boring after a while,” he said. “With farming, you’re doing a different job every day and are always in contact with nature in some capacity.”

Fellow BMO Farm Family Award recipients

Family Name

Farm Name


Anstice Famiy

Oshadenah Holsteins


Bishop Family

Sharyina Sheep Farm


Bradley Family

Bradley Farms


DeGoey Family

DeGoeys Flowers


Fox Family

Foxburg Enterprises, Inc.


Hiemstra Family

Clovermead Apiaries


Koch Family

Koch Farms/Agri Sales Inc.


Prins Family

Pryme Farms


Rankin Family

R. B. R. Fur Farms Limited


Zumach Family

Raisinview Farms

Stormont extends its congratulations to all the winners!

Peter Baumgarten photo

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