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The ROI celebrates rural Ontario youth

Youth Engagement Showcase features 4 individuals

By Andrea M. Gal
Managing Editor

On June 14th, the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) released four short videos as part of its Youth Engagement Showcase (YES). The Showcase is a new ROI initiative to highlight how rural youth contribute locally.

The documentaries profile Eric Duncan of Winchester, Emily Morrison of Beaverton, Megan Raftis of Harriston, and Branden Trochymchuck of Thunder Bay. Almost 50 youth were nominated for YES.

Duncan serves as the Mayor of North Dundas and has served on council since he was 18.

Morrison works at the Brock Youth Centre, helping youth develop their own businesses.

Raftis created a youth theatre program for the Grey-Wellington Theatre Guild.

Finally, Trochymchuck is a student at St. Ignatius High School who is very active in his community.

“We know that engaged youth are more likely to return to their communities after post-secondary education. Inspiring youth leadership and rural youth to step up and make a difference in their towns is something the Rural Ontario Institute is passionate about,” says Rob Black, Chief Executive Officer with ROI.

The focus on rural Ontario youth continues with the upcoming Rural Ontario Summit. According to Arthur Potts, MPP and Parliamentary Assistant for the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Summit will explore ways to draw youth to rural communities and to keep them engaged. 

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Discover the power of the Wil-Rich 483 Chisel Pro, a heavy-duty machine engineered to loosen soil, bury heavy residue, and properly size clods for a smoother field finish. It features two rows of cushioned disc blades for superior residue cutting and mixing, speeding up the decomposition process. Behind the blades there are four ranks of chisel shanks mixing and loosening soil. They also break up compaction layers up to 10 inches deep. Choose from various attachments to prepare your fields for winter and the next planting season. Experience efficient tillage with less horsepower and fewer passes. Click here to learn more about the Wil-Rich 483 Chisel Pro.