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Thousands of Dollars Missing from Middlesex 4-H and Federation of Agriculture Bank Accounts

Police Investigating Missing Money from Middlesex County Agricultural Groups

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It’s been discovered that tens of thousands of dollars have gone missing from the Middlesex 4-H Association and Middlesex Federation of Agriculture bank accounts. The concern over missing money was made after finding irregular and incomplete paperwork tied to both organizations. This was reported to Strathroy-Caradoc police department last February, but has only been made public recently. The investigation is ongoing - to date no charges have been laid.

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Taylor Farms Innovated with AI-Driven Weeding

Video: Taylor Farms Innovated with AI-Driven Weeding

Taylor Farms, one of the largest vegetable growers in North America, is transforming its weeding operations with FarmWise’s Vulcan—a 3-in-1 machine that weeds, thins, and cultivates in a single pass. Powered by AI-driven vision technology, the Vulcan replaces hand crews, reduces costs, and maximizes farm efficiency.