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Top quality genetics on display for Agribition all-breed competition

There was some tough competition in the show ring yesterday for Agribition's First Lady Classic a yearling bred heifer all breed  competition.

Justin Van de Woestyne from Benson, Sk was part of the judging panel and says he feels the show was one of the toughest and most competitive bred heifer shows in Western Canada if not the country.

"I think we all know the amount of work time effort the years of planning that goes into these genetics and what a what an absolute accomplishment it is not only to be here at the show but to be here in this ring."

The Reserve Grand Champion Female was a Polled Hereford from Haroldsons Polled Herefords and River Valley Polled Herefords.

The Grand Champion Female was a Simmental heifer from KT Ranches at Cherryville, BC

On the other side of the arena was the President's Classic an all-breed bull calf jackpot.

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