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Tracking Santa's Progress

Dec 24, 2013
By Denise Faguy
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Everyone at would like to wish all of the farmers, producers, ranchers, agri-business, and agriculture suppliers – everyone who works in agriculture – a wonderful Christmas and Happy and prosperous new year. As you may know, to celebrate the holiday season, was counting down to Christmas with its annual Holiday Countdown Calendar from the first of December to Christmas day.

Because we understand that people who work in agriculture seem to have especially tight ties to their family, the Holiday Countdown Calendar featured a different daily farm-themed or family-fun activity -- puzzles, games and videos --the Holiday Countdown Calendar is full of festive activities. If you did not get a chance to countdown, you can have lots of fun on Christmas day, partaking in each of the activities with family and friends. You can share the Holiday Countdown with friends and family, near and far.

The December 24th calendar item is a link to Norad Tracks Santa, to make it easy to track Santa’s progress today. All of the games will work on tablets, including iPad and iPhone.   Please note that to create these games so they work on newer devices, some games may not work on old browsers though (IE 8 and lower) as those browsers do not support HTML 5. and its family of companies,, Media, PigCHAMP, Risk Management, AgBuyersGuide, Professional Services and would like to wish you and your friends and family a very merry holiday season! Holiday Countdown Calendar

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