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U.S. Dairy Groups Say No to Supply Management

Dairy Security Act in Farm Bill 2012, Flares up!

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U.S Dairy Groups unite to oppose the Dairy Security Act in the 2012 Farm Bill. Over six groups representing the dairy sector including, California Dairies, Inc.; Dairy Business Milk Marketing Cooperative; Dairy Policy Action Coalition; National All-Jersey, Inc.; North East Dairy Producers Association, Inc.; and Wisconsin Dairy Business Association are calling members that represent the House of Agriculture Committee to remove the Dairy Market Stabilization Program found in the Dairy Security Act also known as supply management in Canada. Opponents argue that if the stabilization program is implemented than it would cause dairy products to surge hurting the consumer, it will impede exports and will have a negative ripple effect on the entire dairy industry. The dairy groups wrote a letter addressed to the  House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN)  saying "continuously raised objections over the impact the Dairy Security Act (supply controls) will have on our members."

The letter states, "the nation's dairy producers support reform, but the DMSP is the wrong direction. Reforms should not reduce exports, cut jobs and add more regulations. The Dairy Title should allow the dairy industry a chance to compete and grow without government regulating the amount of milk a farmer can produce. Our citizens and the world population deserve an abundant, affordable and sustainable food supply. The members of our associations ask you to support a margin insurance program that will help dairy producers without including a government controlled supply management program.”

The dairy groups have a tremendous amount of influence in the U.S so they should be able to sway the politicians their way. If politicians don’t react in favour to the dairy group’s wishes the dairy industry will be completely transformed from what Americans and know it as today.

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