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U.S. Salmonella Outbreak Traced Back to New Mexico Poultry Hatchery

U.S. Salmonella Outbreak Traced Back to New Mexico Poultry Hatchery

By Amanda Brodhagen,

A poultry hatchery in New Mexico has been linked to a strain of salmonella. U.S. health authorities in New Mexico confirmed the strain matched the one found to be responsible for a national outbreak.

The salmonella outbreak, which has infected about 316 people in 37 states, was traced back to the duck area of the Privett Hatchery located in eastern New Mexico. About 60 percent of the cases are children. No deaths have been reported, but about 51 people have been hospitalized. The hatchery supplies baby chicks and ducklings to customers for eggs or meat.

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Video: New Dicamba Restrictions

Soybean producers will be without one tool in their toolbox this growing season Federal Court in Arizona has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must vacate the 2020 registrations for Dicamba products. This week on Crop Talk, we sat down with Libby Walsh from the Nebraska Department of agriculture to learn more.