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U.S. soybean planting begins

U.S. soybean planting begins

About 1 percent of the crop is in the ground

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

American soybean farmers have started their 2022 planting season.

About 1 percent of national soybean acres are in the ground, the USDA’s April 19 Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin says. Farmers had planted 3 percent of total soybean acres by this time last year.

The Prospective Plantings report in March indicated farmers intend to plant 91 million acres of soybeans in 2022.

This means farmers have planted about 910,000 acres of soybeans as of the April 19 report.

On a state level, farmers in two states are the furthest along.

Farmers in Louisiana have planted 23 percent of their state’s soybean acres.

Producers there expected to plant about 1.2 million acres of soybeans, meaning roughly 276,000 acres of Louisiana soybeans have been planted.

The other state with significant soybean planting progress is Mississippi.

Farmers in that jurisdiction have planted 10 percent of state soybean acres.

Growers in that state are expected to plant about 2.35 million acres of soybeans. This means approximately 235,000 acres of Mississippi soybeans are in the ground.

Other states with soybean planting progress include Arkansas (8 percent), Kansas (1 percent), Kentucky (2 percent) and Tennessee (1 percent).

U.S. farmers continue to plant corn across the country.

Growers have planted 4 percent of the U.S. corn crop. This is up from 2 percent last week.

With 89.5 million corn acres expected to be planted, farmers have put seeds down on 3.58 million acres of land.

Producers in Texas are the furthest along.

Farmers there have planted 64 percent of their state’s corn acres, followed by North Carolina (39 percent), and Kansas (12 percent).

Multiple states are yet to record any corn planting, the USDA’s report says.

Spring wheat planting also continues.

About 8 percent of the projected 11.2 million acres, or around 896,000 acres of spring wheat, are in the ground, the USDA’s report shows. This is up from 6 percent last week.

Growers in Washington State are the furthest along of the six recorded states.

Farmers there have planted 40 percent of their spring wheat. Farmers in Minnesota are the only ones yet to record any spring wheat planting.

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