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UK chief scientific advisor touts pro-GM message

Top scientific advisor calls for relaxation of government’s position on genetically modified crops

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The United Kingdom’s newly minted chief scientific advisor, Sir Mark Waldport, says the case for genetically modified (GM) food is getting stronger and stronger. Walport explains that GM crops are an important tool to feed a growing population.

Walport, who is one-month into his new position said that he aims to offer ministers the best advice on all aspects of scientific policy, including GM crops – noting that current European legislation doesn’t allow for much GM crops to be grown. While Walport appears to be friendly to the idea of allowing GM crops to be grown, he also says that they should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

“For every genetic modification you have to ask: what plant, what gene and for what purpose? The case will be strong for some and not strong for others. Each case has to be decided on its merits,” Sir Mark said.

Walport makes it clear that his job is to advise on science, but the final decisions will likely be based on science and politics. 

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