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Ukrainian farmers rise against the Russian army

Ukrainian farmers rise against the Russian army

We know there’s nothing funny about war.

But we all love cheering for the little guy – especially when the little guy does something completely audacious and unexpected.

The act seen in the video below is not merely a spur-of-the moment idea. It’s obviously a planned endeavor, as someone is capturing all for posterity on a cellphone.

In a take-that moment, a Ukrainian freedom fighter utilizes a tractor to steal a Russian armored personnel carrier (APC) from under the nose of a soldier.

A better display of a real tractor pull, we have never seen.

We’re unsure what we like more:

  • the fact that a tractor can easily move a war machine;
  • the fact that the person performing the heist had so much time that he/she was able to get a hoist under an APC’s axle;
  • the utter zukhvalist' (the Ukrainian word for boldness) of the act;
  • or the Russian soldier sprinting after his stolen vehicle as his mind races trying to come up with possible excuses he can give to his superiors.

Watch the video below:

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