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Urgent plea for congressional farm aid action

Dec 09, 2024

Farm Bureau seeks immediate support for farmers

Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation, today criticized Congress for its lack of decisive action in supporting the agricultural sector during this critical period of economic downturn.

Duvall discussed the severe impacts of recent hurricanes on farms, leading to significant losses and the need for disaster aid for recovery. He emphasized the projected $40 billion drop in net farm income, illustrating the grave financial challenges farmers are facing.

"The frightening financial pinch farm families across the country are experiencing is real," said Duvall, highlighting the urgent need for legislative support. He pointed to a dramatic increase in farm losses, with 141,000 farms lost in the past five years, and stressed the widespread public support for Congress to prioritize farmer assistance

The pressing issues include the need for a modernized farm bill that addresses risk management and provides economic relief to help farmers deal with inflation and fluctuating market prices.

Duvall’s call to action aims to prompt Congress to provide the necessary relief measures to ensure the stability and growth of the farming sector.

Duvall’s appeal reflects a critical moment for U.S. agriculture, urging lawmakers to stand with rural America and respond to the immediate needs of its farmers.

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