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US Department of Agriculture Announces Crop Progress Report Delayed Due to Hurricane Sandy

USDA’s Weekly Crop Progress Report Monday Release Postponed Due to “Frankinstorm”

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The US agriculture community is going to have to wait to get their weekly US Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop progress report that is released at the beginning of every week, normally on Monday afternoon. The USDA has said that the report will be delayed as the federal government shuts down its operations to brace for Hurricane Sandy.

The USDA said that the report will be released once offices reopen following the storm.  The US government told all non-emergency related workers to stay home on Monday. Despite the delay of the crop report, some other non-related data will be released on schedule including personal income and spending figures that will be released Monday morning.

Hurricane Sandy is expected to be one of the biggest storms to reach US mainland in history. Weather forecasters predict that Sandy could merge with several other weather systems - creating a “Frankenstorm” that will hit the Eastern US and Eastern Canada.

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