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USDA ramps-up testing for meat imports after EU horse-meat scandal

EU horse-meat scandal has the U.S. Department of Agriculture on high alert

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The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) says that it will be increasing its testing on meat imports to ensure that meat products don’t contain traces of horse meat. The enhanced testing comes after the recent horse-meat scandal that spread across the EU after some beef products were found to contain traces of horse-meat. The massive horse-meat scandal started in Ireland in mid-January and spread across the EU and touched some other parts of the world.

The agency says that it’s increasing testing after recent events and consumer concerns. The increased species testing will act as a safeguard to prevent mislabelled meat products from entering the U.S. Federal meat inspectors have been ordered to boost species tests of meat products imported from Iceland, Ireland, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Northern Ireland.

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