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USDA releases planting intentions report

A dip in corn planting and slight jump in soybeans among the highlights

By Diego Flammini,

Farmers across the United States were glued to their screens Tuesday afternoon as the United States Department of Agriculture released its March planting intentions report to give a better outlook on the abundance of crops farmers hope to produce this planting and harvesting season.

Among the highlights of the report is the 2% dip corn’s planted acreage is estimated to take. Soybean plantings could be up by 1% and wheat appears to have taken the hardest hit, down 3% from last year.

2015’s corn planting is estimated to be around 89.2 million acres. If the numbers for corn hold true, 2015 would be the third straight year with a decline in corn planting and would have the possibility of being the lowest number of planted corn since 2010.

Iowa leads the way with more than 13 million acres of corn expected to be planted in 2015, followed by Illinois with more than 11 million acres.

Most of the states in the Corn Belt appear to be planting less corn with the exception of Minnesota and Wisconsin who are looking to increase their production.

Right now corn is going for about $3.76 per bushel.

Soybean production is estimated to be at 84.6 million acres – a record high and up 1% from 2014.

Like they do with corn, Iowa appears to have the most soybeans planted with more than 10 million acres. The next closest is North Dakota with over 5 million acres.

Arkansas, Iowa and Ohio are estimated to be increasing their soybean production by 200,000 acres while Kansas and Nebraska could see the largest declines.

Currently, soybeans are getting $9.79/bushel.

Total wheat planted for 2015 is around 55.4 million acres, a 3% drop from 2014.

Kansas leads the way with 9.4 million acres of wheat planted for 2015 followed by Montana with about 5.7 million acres.

Approximately 29.6 million acres is Hard Red Winter, 7.75 million acres are Soft Red Winter and 3.43 million acres are White Winter.

Wheat is currently trading for $5.10/bushel.

In an effort to compile more information, is holding their own planting intentions survey. Farmers who fill it out are eligible to win a prize of either $100, $200 or $300.

Join the conversation and tell us what you’ll be planting this season. Have you adapted your acreage by any way?

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