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USDA rolls out support for beryl-impacted farmers

Recovery programs launched for agriculture sector post-Hurricane Beryl


Following the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced available assistance for the agricultural sector.

This assistance is designed to address the challenges faced by farmers and livestock producers, helping them recover from the extensive damage inflicted by the storm.

Farmers experiencing crops, land, infrastructure, and livestock losses can report their issues at their local USDA Service Center and learn about the recovery options available.

Key programs include the Livestock Indemnity Program, Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish, along with the Tree Assistance Program and Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program.

For those struggling with financial setbacks, the USDA through the Farm Service Agency offers various loan programs. These include operating and emergency farm loans to help producers manage the aftermath of the hurricane.

Loans are tailored to facilitate the replacement of property, acquisition of necessary agricultural inputs, and management of overall farm operations during recovery.

The USDA’s commitment to supporting the farming community in these challenging times is evident through their robust response to disaster impacts, ensuring the resilience and continuity of the agricultural sector.

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