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USDA's $1.7 billion boost for local food and farmers

Oct 02, 2024

Funding aims to enhance food assistance and rural growth


Recently U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) unveiled a $1.7 billion investment designed to fortify America’s food systems and support rural economies.

Through the Commodity Credit Corporation, these funds will enhance the availability of locally and regionally produced foods and bolster emergency food assistance programs.

This strategic investment distributes $1.2 billion towards integrating locally produced foods into the diets of schoolchildren and families in need, through food banks and child care facilities. It also aims to create and solidify new markets for small- and mid-sized farmers, increasing their economic resilience and market presence.

An additional $500 million will support the purchase of domestic commodities for emergency food assistance, helping to stabilize the supply chains and ensuring consistent food delivery to those in crisis. This initiative is critical in light of recent natural disasters and ongoing supply chain disruptions, which have highlighted the importance of robust food assistance programs.

These measures are part of the USDA’s comprehensive approach to transforming America’s food system to be more resilient and equitable. This approach includes investing in clean energy and infrastructure, removing systemic barriers in the agricultural sector, and ensuring that rural areas and farmers are central to the nation’s economic and environmental sustainability plans.

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