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UT engineer scoops prestigious ASABE award

Sep 24, 2024

Lori Duncan earns top honors for sustainable farming impact


The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has recognized Lori Duncan, a specialist at the University of Tennessee, with the Larry W.

Turner Young Extension Professional Award. This honor acknowledges her exceptional contributions to the field of agricultural engineering, particularly her efforts to enhance sustainability in row crop production.

Duncan's role as a crop sustainability specialist involves leading cutting-edge research and promoting sustainable practices among row crop farmers. Her work focuses on the adoption of best management practices that not only preserve the environment but also boost farm profitability. Her research has led to significant advancements in precision farming technologies and sustainable crop management techniques.

Her contributions to agricultural sustainability include developing tools like the Field to Market Fieldprint Calculator and advocating for national sustainability programs.

Duncan's outreach extends through various platforms, ensuring that her research impacts a wide audience, from local farmers to national stakeholders.

As an active member of ASABE and a dedicated researcher and educator, Duncan's career is marked by her commitment to improving agricultural practices through engineering solutions.

This award from ASABE is a testament to her success in making sustainable agriculture a viable and profitable option for farmers across the United States.

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