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VFD integration for PigCHAMP and GlobalVetLINK

Integration simplifies process of compliance with VFD for producers

PigCHAMP’s swine management software will be integrated with GlobalVetLINK’s Electronic Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) solution. The announcement was made today by company representatives.

Pork producers will now be able to access FeedLINK VFD information in the PigCHAMP platforms.

In future, farmers will also be able to transfer data between PigCHAMP and FeedLINK VFD.

“We are very pleased to be working with GlobalVetLINK to help pork producers manage the new VFD regulations more efficiently,” said Bob Brcka, general manager of PigCHAMP.

“Linking production activities captured by PigCHAMP to other data systems, like FeedLINK, provides producers with a single information source for better decision-making.”

PigCHAMP Inc. is a global leader in providing software and knowledge services to the pork industry. Its products give pork producers the information and data analysis capabilities they need to make sound management decisions. PigCHAMP’s offerings include: PigCHAMP Reproductive, PigCHAMP Grow-Finish, PigCHAMP Mobile, and PigCHAMP Online.

GlobalVetLINK’s FeedLINK VFD assists pork producers in tracking and ensuring compliance with VFD.

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