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Vilsack Touts Progress on 2014 Farm Bill Implementation

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack reported on the progress being made on the implementation of the 2014 Farm Bill.

President Obama signed the bill into law earlier this year on February 7th.

Vilsack said that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is working on implementing the bill’s new provisions in a timely matter.

"We are making tremendous progress implementing the new Farm Bill," said Vilsack adding that the law is important for America’s farmers.

The 2014 Farm Bill has over 12 titles and more than 450 provisions in the legislation, so it’s not surprising that a significant amount of coordination is needed in order to implement new programs and reforms.

“Every USDA agency is working diligently to implement the Farm Bill's new provisions quickly and effectively,” he said.

For those interested in following along with the farm bill implementation progress, the USDA has a website outlining some of the implications of the new programs and provisions. The website can be found by clicking here.

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