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Virtual registration open for AFBF convention

Virtual registration open for AFBF convention

Registration costs $25

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

U.S. farmers unable to attend the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) convention in Atlanta, Ga., in January can still participate.

Producers can register to be part of the convention virtually.

The in-person convention takes place from Jan. 7 to 12 while the virtual convention happens between Jan. 8 and 11.

For a $25 registration fee, virtual attendees can receive access to multiple presentations and workshops from the event. And they’ll continue to have access for 90 days following the event’s conclusion.

Virtual attendees can also interact with speakers and presenters during questions and answer sessions.

Presentation topics include mental health, trade, sustainability in ag and the state of rural America.

“We’re pleased to provide a great lineup of virtual events for those who may not be able to attend the 103rd American Farm Bureau Convention in person,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a press release. “I hope you will join us as we look ahead to 2022 and focus on the people, purpose and possibilities of Farm Bureau and U.S. agriculture.”

Farmers can also use the hashtag #AFBF22 to follow the event on social media.

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