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We Haven’t Seen The End Of GMO Labelling Campaign

Failed California ‘Right to Know’ Campaign Says It Will Be Back In 2014

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The California ‘Right to Know’ campaign, which was unsuccessful in its ballot initiative (Prob. 37) for labelling genetically engineered foods in November 2012, says that they will be back in 2014.

The campaign sent out an email to its supporters saying that they believe that their initiative failed because their opponents were able to raise more funds against their campaign, by a margin of 6-to-1.

In addition to outlining their intentions to come back in 2014, the steering committee also said that it will be heavily involved in Washington State’s new GMO proposal, along as having a watchful eye in other state legislative proposals.

Other state legislatures which have similar bills as the failed California initiative include New Mexico and Missouri. It’s also expected that Vermont and Connecticut will have similar bills introduced in the near future.

The California (Prob. 37) vote failed, but managed to secure 48.6% of the vote

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