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Wet Weather limiting the ability of many farmers to harvest

North American farmers have been struggling to get their harvest on the market due to weather conditions. Damp weather has been causing a decrease to wheat quality these past weeks, with the Canadian Grain Association stating that early estimates are showing a downward trend to lower grades.

This federal agency regulates grain handling for the country as well as certifying quality, safety and quantity of grain exports in Canada. The agency also performs several duties for the grain industry. It ensures grain producers rights are protected when dealing with grain dealers and grain handling companies. The agency oversees quality and quantity assurance programs before export. It also conducts research to understand all factors that affect grain and support the grain grading system in place.

This is one of several issues facing farmers in Canada. High moisture limits the ability of farmers to harvest their crops which could cause delays in harvesting other crops. Early frost has caused quality issues with wheat this year as well as signs of an increase in fusarium head blight. Also known as scab, fusarium head blight is a fungal disease in small grain cereals which can cause reduction in grade, yield and end-use quality.

With harvests being delayed further into the months of October and November, it is increasingly likely that wheat will improve in quality. Those who were fortunate enough to seed early have seen good quality in their harvest. It has been difficult and wheat producers have faced several challenges this season, but the coming week shows promise for warmer weather throughout Ontario.

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Taylor Farms, one of the largest vegetable growers in North America, is transforming its weeding operations with FarmWise’s Vulcan—a 3-in-1 machine that weeds, thins, and cultivates in a single pass. Powered by AI-driven vision technology, the Vulcan replaces hand crews, reduces costs, and maximizes farm efficiency.