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Why Do Ontario Farmers Need Risk Management?

Ontario Federation of Agriculture Say Farmers Need Protection from Volatile Weather

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Today’s modern farmer needs to be equipped to participate in risk management programs. Ontario Federation of Agriculture President Mark Wales says that Ontario farmers will need to continue to rely on risk management programs to help manage weather fluctuations that are out of their control. Wales discusses the new reality in his weekly commentary found on the OFA website.

 Risk management is vital in order to give farmers peace of mind. Wales notes that weather is just one example of what makes farming a volatile business. Crop commodities rise and fall in direct response to weather conditions. Risk management programs help farmers manage some of the financial risks that are associated with growing crops in competing weather conditions.

The 2012 growing season is a good example of unpredictable weather conditions. The spring started off with unseasonable heat and a sudden cool snap that destroyed a significant portion of Ontario’s fruit supply with over 85 per cent of the apple crop in ruins. With much the growing season still ahead, farmers will be paying close attention to what the weather will provide.

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NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

Video: NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

John Deere has announced new offerings for its planter upgrade kits in 2026.

MaxEmerge 5e is ideal for 5 mph planting and provides a 20% improvement in population accuracy. This solution is available for model year 2015 and newer John Deere planters.

ExactEmerge is a high-speed planting solution equipped with brush belt technology that does a great job singulating corn, soybeans and cotton and directly placing that seed right in the trench.

Kyle Barry with John Deere gives you a full overview in this video!