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Will Congress Act on Farm Bill after August Recess?

Will Congress Act on Farm Bill after August Recess?

By Amanda Brodhagen,

Congress will return from its August recess on Sept. 9 and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack wants to move quickly to pass a farm bill before it expires Sept. 30.

Vilsack warns that granting another farm bill extension is not the solution to farm bill woes, noting that extending the 2008 farm bill again, for a second time, is an excuse for continued failure.

Congress has been fumbling to act on the farm bill for eight months. The Senate has passed farm bills twice and the house has split the bill in two, passing a ‘farm-only’ bill excluding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program.

Will Congress pass a farm bill in time? Share your thoughts here.

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