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Winter cereals in some Manitoba regions are starting to turn

Winter cereals in some Manitoba regions are starting to turn

Some regions are also recovering from damaging winds and hail

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

Approximately 90 per cent of winter cereals in Manitoba’s southwest region are in the hard dough stage, according to Manitoba Agriculture’s latest crop report.

And spring cereals are progressing well, due in part to hot and humid weather over the last week.

The presence of fusarium head blight in winter and spring cereals is low, but there have been instances of ergot in fall rye.

Early seeded canola in the region is almost finished flowering, while late-seeded canola is still in the flowering stage.

Some parts of the region didn’t receive sufficient rains, so some crops are reflecting the need for moisture.

A majority of soybeans across the region are in the R2 to R3 leaf stage, but some plants are shorter in drier fields that need rain. Corn is also beginning to show stress related to dryness.

Northwest region

Approximately 60 per cent of the spring wheat crop is in the heading/flowering stage, with some entering the milk/dough stage. Early seeded fields are beginning to turn.

About 30 per cent of the Manitoba canola crop is beginning to pod. In some areas, including Roblin, canola is done flowering.

And about 50 per cent of the flax fields are flowering.

Central region

Winter wheat fields in the region range between the soft dough and hard dough stages, and straw is drying down.

Barley and oat fields are in the late milk to soft dough stage.

Recent storms in the area caused some lodging but fields recovered, according to the report.

There’s no evidence of fusarium head blight in any winter or spring wheat but there have been reports of cereal leaf beetle and aphids.

Canola fields in the region range from full flower to podding. Some mid- to late planted canola crops are suffering from heat and lack of moisture.

Scouting for bertha armyworm and diamondback larvae continues in canola fields. Manitoba Agriculture reports there’s been lygus activity.

Soybean fields range from the R2 to R3 stages, and the first pin beans can be found.

Manitoba Agriculture confirmed rhizoctonia, fusarium root rot and phytophthera, as well as some soybean aphids in fields.

Eastern region

There are reports of standing water in some fields due to heavy rains but no reports of any crop damage.

Spring wheat is in the soft dough stage.

Corn is anywhere between the V10 and V12 stages with some fields showing tassel development.

Canola fields are filling their pods, while soybeans are at the end of the R2 or R3 stage.

Interlake Region

Producers in the region are applying fungicides to canola and wheat.

Canola in the southern part of the region is in the late flowering to early pod stages, while canola fields in the northern part of the region are still in full flower.

Soybeans are in the early to mid-flowering stages, with some reported pod development.

And winter wheat fields are in the soft dough stage and are close to desiccation.

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