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XL Foods Revelation: Federal Beef Inspectors Ordered to Turn a Blind Eye to Contaminated Carcasses

Surfaced Memo Reveals Double Standard for Meat Processed for Sale to Canadians

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A recently leaked memo obtained by CTV News dating back to Sept. 12, 2008 written by a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) meat hygiene supervisor stationed at the XL Foods Brooks, Alberta plant reveals some disturbing evidence. The information revealed indicates that instructions were given to CFIA inspectors that were stationed in one of the plant’s final inspection stops to ensure extra scrutiny was given to carcases destined for Japan, but to ignore any contamination meat issues that were meant for Canadians.

“Our number 1 priority is to ensure this standard is met with Japan eligible carcasses,” the memo said.

Despite this revelation, the CFIA has publically said that feces and intestine contamination were being caught.

Since the leaked document, CFIA released another memo that specifically states if inspectors spot any contamination, they are to remove the carcass from the line. The revised memo clarifies instruction to avoid future confusion.



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