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2013 Gravely ZT-HD44

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  • 2013 Gravely ZT-HD44
    2013 Gravely ZT-HD44
    2013 Gravely ZT-HD44
    2013 Gravely ZT-HD44
  • 2013 Gravely ZT-HD44

$2,595 USD

(approximately $3,733  CAD)

Equipment Specification

Category:Lawn and Garden
Type:Riding Lawn Mowers
Serial number991090-022056

Detailed Description

Gravely ZT-HD44 zero-turn mower for sale...2013 model...619 hours...Kawasaki 23hp FR691V engine...HydroGear3100 transaxles...20-10-10 drive tires...three-blades with 18,000FPM speed...high-performance, heavy-duty, compact homeowner mower...includes mulching kit and side-discharge chute (the chute is not shown in photos, but we have it)...well-maintained, always shedded, EXCELLENT appearance...used on a residential yard in Iowa City...private sale, no sales tax...this is a good one....[NOTE: photo is a file photo; not actual machine; looks like this body style, but with 44" mower]

Additional Description

Specifications: 44 in;

City Tractor Co.

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