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42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale

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  • 42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale
    42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale
    42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale
    42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale
  • 42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale
    42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale
    42' galvanized steel water tower for Sale

Equipment Specification

Category:Miscellaneous Products
Item Location:FL, United States

Detailed Description

This is a 42 ft. high galvanized steel tower that could be a solution for a variety of needs, including a water tank, radio antennas, windmill or more (like maybe a unique elevated tiny house). It's located in central Florida (near The Villages), and is sturdy and in good shape. Whether you want to elevate equipment, create a zip line, have your own private lookout, or simply add a unique element to your property, consider this tower. To move the thing it could be disassembled or dropped to horizontal and loaded on a flatbed. Either way, it's a unique find. Check it out.

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