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SnowEx SR210

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  • SnowEx SR210
    SnowEx SR210

$998 USD

(approximately $1,435  CAD)

Equipment Specification

Category:Lawn and Garden

Detailed Description

SnowEx SR-210 spreader for sale...NEW...this is a small "PLUG-N-PLAY" receiver-hitch salt spreader, with wireless remote need to run an electrical harness...designed to handle bagged rock salt, features a vertical high-flow auger with patented spinner motor for dependable spreading...intended to mount to the receiver hitch of a small pick-up or SUV...this is a NEW model, not used...installation on your vehicle, $90, asssuming you have a 7-pin elec connector and receiver hitch.

Additional Description

Specifications: Wireless control; Capacity 3.0 cu ft; Spreading width up to 25'; One-piece LLDPE safety yellow poly hopper;

City Tractor Co.

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