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Millcreek Mfg 27+ DLX manure spreader

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  • Millcreek Mfg 27+ DLX manure spreader

$5,228 USD

(approximately $7,419  CAD)

Equipment Specification

Manufacturer:Millcreek Mfg
Category:Livestock Equipment
Type:Manure Handling / Spreaders
Serial number27+
Model27+ DLX manure spreader

Detailed Description

Millcreek Model 27+ Deluxe compact spreader for sale...NEW...perfect size for 3-4 horse stable...includes deluxe features of Rhino-urethane lining, poly floor, endgate, and caster wheel jack...pulls easily with a larger garden tractor, ATV or Gator...ground-driven...easy to hook-up and easy to operate...price includes in-bound freight and un-crating/set-up service.

City Tractor Co.

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