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Registered Gotland breeding group for Sale

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  • Registered Gotland breeding group for Sale
    Registered Gotland breeding group for Sale

$2,400 CAD

Equipment Specification

Category:Livestock / Poultry / Pets
Type:Sheep & Goats
Item Location:OkotoksAB, Canada

Detailed Description

Small breeding flock of AGSS registered high-percentage Gotland sheep near DeWinton.

1 registered ram 2yrs old, excellent fleece

2 registered ewes 2yrs old, both produced twins this year, great mothers

1 yearling ewe registerable, open and ready to breed this fall

All ewes not related to ram

4 total. Asking $2400 with registrations transferred. Open to reasonable offers.

Gotlands are a hardy and thrifty breed; they have natural fluke tails that do not require docking, they produce very highly valued fleeces, excellent quality pelts, and lambs finish within one growing season on grass. They are also known as one of the friendliest breeds of sheep, behaving more like pets than livestock. They are a relatively rare breed here in Canada but steadily growing in popularity with these attractive traits!

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