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Apple Orchard - 5630 Norris & Rt 104 Road for Sale

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$1,275,000 USD

(approximately $1,731,395  CAD)

Equipment Specification

Category:Real Estate
Type:Real Estate for Sale
Item Location:NY, United States

Detailed Description

High production turn-key combination Apple orchard, cidery, and country farm stand. This incredible operation has been fine tuned to be highly efficient and productive. Nestled in Upstate NY Apple country, along the major highway between Rochester and Syracuse. The temperate air from Lake Ontario provides the ideal setting to produce some of NY's world class varieties of crisp apples. This offering includes a u-pick operation, retail sales, farm produce stand, wholesale business, and a whole host of other seasonal country items. From the home made doughnuts to wines and spirits and cheeses. If you are seeking a natural country business, this is a great option with the current owners fine tuning the whole operation into a streamlined productive business.

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