About Hemp-Nettle:Hemp-nettle is an annual weed that reproduces via seed. Hemp-nettle weeds grow to be between 12-32 inches on average, and has a square shaped stem, that has a fuzzy or sticky texture. The leaves that hemp-nettle weeds produce are green, and have many veins on them, have a round arrow shape. The leaves tend to be aiming towards the ground. Hemp-nettle weeds produce a purple and white flower, and each flower produces seeds that are in groups of 4. This weed flourishes in hot temperatures and wooded areas. Family: Mint Family (Labiatae) 
Hemp-nettle Scouting and Prevention:Consistently doing random crop checks will allow you to notice any changes that occur with crops due to Hemp-nettle weeds settling into crops and fields. Be sure to check low spots and check different areas on a regular basis to ensure that no areas of the field are being missed. Pre season herbicide applications are most effective, because this weed is at its weakest in the early growth stages. Hemp-nettle Control:Once Hemp-nettle weeds are noticed it is very important to apply herbicides immediately, because this weed is the most vulnerable during the early stages of its growth. Ensure that when spreading crop seeds, they are clean, pure and certified to avoid spreading seeds that have been affected by hemp-nettle weeds. Latin / Alternative Hemp-nettle Names:- - Galeopsis tetrahit L
- - Ortie royale
- - Bee nettle
- - Dog nettle
- - Flowering nettle
- - Chardonnet
- - Galéopside à tige carrées
Additional Hemp-nettle Resources:http://www.weedwreckingcrew.com/ Dupont Weed Wrecking Creq http://www.precisionpac.com/ Dupont Precision Pac http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/ontweeds/hempnettle.htm Ontario Government Ag http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/weeds/fab08s00.html Manitoba Government Ag |